Why inactivate delinquent members?
In Gym Assistant version 2.6.0 and higher only active member records are counted towards your database capacity. Inactive member records, on the other hand, can remain in Gym Assistant without reducing your database capacity.
You may currently have members with Billing Status ACTIVE who have been delinquent in payment for some time. Inactivating them releases those corresponding number of slots in your database while retaining their records in Gym Assistant.
Gym Assistant can hold the same number of inactive member records as active member records within your database capacity. For example, if your database capacity is 500 you will have 500 spaces for active members and an additional 500 spaces for inactive members.
EXTREMELY IMPORTANT: Do a backup first (File/ backup/ To disk) so you can recover in case you make a mistake.
Follow the steps below to inactivate member records:
In Gym Assistant click Utilities/ Special Features/
In the lookup field enter “inactivate” (without quotation marks, not case sensitive)
The entry “Inactivate Delinquent Members” is highlighted, Click OK
Click OK to the question “Do you want to INACTIVATE delinquent members”
Enter the number of days that members have to be delinquent before they are inactivated then click OK
On the next page it is not necessary to make any changes unless you wish to filter further.
Click Generate List
If the list of members to be purged looks satisfactory click CONTINUE.
Click CONTINUE again on the next page.
In the blank field enter "inactivate" (without quotes, not case sensitive) then click OK.
The next page will appear. Click OK.
You have successfully inactivated member records of your choice.
Thank you for using Gym Assistant. Should you have any questions please call our Support line at 877-496-2778 ext.2, or email support@gymassistant.com.
Article ID: 57
Created: January 30, 2025
Last Updated: February 3, 2025
Author: Sarinah Tambu
Online URL: https://gymassistant.phpkb.cloud/article/inactivate-delinquent-members.html